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Saluhallen – from then to now


After several years’ discussion about a market hall, it was decided that the building should be constructed, to “take up 14,000 square feet of the square; that the outer building material should be iron and glass and that the cost should be estimated at around 250,000 kronor”.

En stor samling med människor med häst och kärra har samlats på Kungstorget, innan Stora Saluhallen var byggt.
Stora Saluhallen håller på att byggas. På bilden syns byggnadens järnskelett.

1888 – 1889

The market hall was finished and was described at the time as “the first large building that has been erected in the country exclusively of stone, iron and glass”. Immediately after the building was completed, a rental auction began for the traders who wanted space in the new market hall. The interest was enormous. Speculators jostled, squeezed and elbowed their way through the crowd to bid on one of the 92 spaces.


A number of improvements and expansions were carried out in the following years. In 1909, gas lighting in the aisles was replaced by electric lighting.

Stor samling med människor på Kungstorget utanför Stora Saluhallen.
Människor i rörelse mellan handlarbodarna i Stora Saluhallen. En man i hatt kollar in i kameran.


Throughout the years, the temperature in the market hall had been a recurring theme. During the most severe wartime winters, it was so cold that indoor temperatures of –10 or –15°C weren’t unusual. This meant that it was sometimes extremely difficult to work and that both meat and vegetables were sold deep frozen to the customers. In 1969 a heating system was installed. This was one of the biggest investments in the history of the market hall, costing 425,000 kronor.


Stora Saluhallen was made a listed building.

Bild på det välvda taket inne i Stora Saluhallen.
Gång mellan handlarbodar i Stora Saluhallen. Längst bort syns två personer som sitter på pallar och äter.


Extensive renovation of Stora Saluhallen carried out, primarily of the cold room, preparation room, district cooling and ventilation.


Stora Saluhallen is one of the few constructions of its type that we have in the country. Every year two million people enter the building to purchase meat, cheese, bread and other foods. Just like they have for nearly a century and a half.

Människor passerar Stora Saluhallen där snö ligger på marken.

A market for our time

In 1876 the city decided where different goods should be sold. Kungstorget was named as the location for the sale of beef, pork, flour, grain, butter, cheese and other "necessities of life and farm produce". Vegetables and garden produce were sold at Grönsakstorget, and hay, straw and planks at Drottningtorget. Fish was sold at Fisktorget and sales of wood and furniture were authorised at Järntorget.